Category Archives: NCDI Blog

Complete Guide On How To Care For Dental Implants

How To Care For Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular solutions for people who have lost one or more teeth. They are artificial tooth roots (usually made from titanium) inserted into the jawbone to hold a replacement tooth or bridge.  While dental implants are a great way to restore the appearance and function of your smile, they do require […]

Facial Aesthetic Treatments and the Safety Considerations Involved

Facial Aesthetics and Safety Considerations Involved

What are Facial Aesthetic Treatments? Facial aesthetic treatments are non-surgical cosmetic procedures used to enhance your natural beauty. They are usually applied to the face and/or lips. These treatments remove signs of stress and ageing, as well as accentuate your facial features in a natural-looking way. Facial aesthetic treatments are commonly offered in dental clinics, […]

Should I choose dental implants or dentures for missing teeth?

missing teeth

Dental implants vs dentures  “Should I choose dental implants or dentures for missing teeth?” This is a question that is frequently asked, that we are going to discuss. We are going to talk about what dental implants and dentures are. As well as going through the benefits of both of these treatments. Then, we will […]