Frequently Asked Questions
Some common misconceptions about tooth whitening
- Tooth whitening strips the top layer of enamel!
- Professional Tooth whitening dissolves stains, breaks up pigments in the teeth, and changes the optical properties of enamel. It does not abrade the enamel and is a safe and effective treatment.
- Whitening toothpaste and over the counter whitening kits are as good as professional tooth whitening.
- Whitening toothpaste and over the counter kits contain less than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide, the active ingredient required to whiten your teeth. Using strengths higher than this can only be carrued out by registered dental professionals. Following thorough assessment and ensuring you are dentally stable, registered dental professionals can whiten your teeth with strengths of hydrogen peroxide of up to 6%.
- I can whiten my teeth using home remedies such as acidic fruits or bicarbonate of soda.
- Using such remedies can seriously abrade and erode the enamel causing it to become much thinner. As a result your teeth will become yellower due to the dentine under the enamel showing through and they can also become much more sensitive!
How does tooth whitening work?
The active ingredient in tooth whitening gel is hydrogen peroxide. This breaks up stain molecules in the teeth making them appear brighter.
One of the main advantages of tooth whitening is that you can get a marked improvement in the appearance of your teeth.
Is teeth whitening bad for your teeth?
No! Professional teeth whitening involves the use of a gel which will break down dark pigment molecules in your teeth to make them lighter. Non-professional solutions and remedies can be harmful though.
How long does teeth whitening last?
Depending on your habits the results can last for years. We provide you with a system where you can top-up the results at home very easily. As long as you keep the trays, you will just need to buy a top up of gel.
Does teeth whitening make my teeth sensitive?
Teeth whitening can temporarily make your teeth a little more sensitive to cold stimulus. This sensitivity will go away when you stop the whitening.